Monday, January 23, 2017



"Biographies are but the clothes and the buttons of the man. The biography of the man himself cannot be written." - Mark Twain. I'm Samantha Elizabeth Smith. I was born on January 20, 1998, which makes me 19 years old. I'm from a small town called Shamokin about 40 minutes from Bloomsburg. I attended an even smaller Catholic high school and my graduating class consisted of 28 kids, including myself. 

When I'm not busy with other obligations, I enjoy playing basketball. I've been playing ever since I can remember. Just recently I learned how to play the ukulele and I'm slowly but surely getting better. Hanging out with my friends is another favorite past time of mine. My friends play a huge part in my life and I don't know where I'd be without them. 

When it comes to socializing with strangers, I'm extremely shy. Moving to a brand new school was horrifying to me, although it's less than an hour away from my hometown. Before arriving in Bloomsburg, a bunch of questions raced through my mind, "What if I don't meet friends?", "What if I'm awkward?", and the biggest question of all "What if I'm homesick?" Just the thought of any of these things coming true truly put my stomach in knots. My mind was at ease when I met my forever group of best friends. 

Left to right: Myself, Reagan, Valeria, and Ashley

I am a freshman majoring in early childhood education with hopes of being an elementary school teacher at the elementary school I attended. Being a teacher has always been a lifelong dream of mine. I haven't even thought about another profession because nothing else interests me the way teaching does. I like the idea of me being able to positively impact the future generation. That would really make me feel like I'm doing my part to make a beneficial change in the world. With that being said, I'm very excited to finally begin classes again and I anticipate all of the information I will be learning this semester. 


  1. Hey, I really like your blog! I am also from around here and I grew up in Catawissa and went to Southern Columbia which I'm sure you've heard about haha

  2. Well done, Sam. You used multiple elements and played with details. I would caution you to avoid having a double title, and you may want to think about font size.
