Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Figure 1

Hi there! I'm sully the surveillance camera! Do you notice that there are cameras around in almost every public place you go?  These cameras are called surveillance cameras and they are around to make sure everything going on in public is safe. I have lots of surveillance friends around and I'm sure you're around them too, you just don't look for them! Let's take a look at where some surveillance cameras are in your everyday life!

Figure 2 Grocery store
        Do you go to the grocery store with your parents? Whenever I see kids walk into a grocery store and there is a screen where they can see themselves, I notice them making funny faces to it. That screen where you can see yourself is a type of surveillance camera to see who comes in and out of the store.  I have many surveillance friends in the grocery store, and maybe more than you think! Grocery stores are a big place with many items in them, and having cameras help to see if anything goes wrong.  The cameras around help to stop criminals from stealing anything in the store and to see if anything bad happens that can need help, like if someone gets hurt. Did you know that there is someone who can look at a screen and see what all of the cameras see? (2) Next time you're in the grocery store look around for my camera friends who are trying to keep you safe!

How many traffic lights do you pass on your way to school? On those lights are surveillance cameras to make sure the streets are safe and everyone is driving the right speed. (1) These cameras can tell who is going through red lights and make sure traffic is running smoothly. Next time your in the car, take a look at how m any traffic lights you pass and see if you can find any of my surveillance friends on them! And don't forget to tell your parents Sully the surveillance camera says to make sure they are driving safe because there are cameras around.

Figure 3: traffic light

 Do you go with your parents to stop at the bank?
 Maybe you just sit in the car while they run in to get money.
You probably don't realize that there are cameras all over the
bank because of how much money is in there! Surveillance is around in your everyday life and you most likely are not aware of it, so the next time you are out take a look around at all of my surveillance friends.


(1) Li, A. (2017, January 22). Pros and Cons of Surveillance Cameras in Public Places - Reolink Blog. Retrieved from https://reolink.com/pros-cons-of-surveillance-cameras-in-public-places/

(2) Mass Surveillance Technologies. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.eff.org/issues/mass-surveillance-technologies

(3)  Pro/Con - Government Surveillance. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/a/csumb.edu/government-surveillance/pro-con


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