Body Culture
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Are your ears pierced or do you know somebody who has them done? How about tattoos? If you try to count up all the people you know who have a tattoo or any kind of piercing, that number would be pretty big. In America many people get a tattoo or piercing because it makes them feel or look better, or they just want to have one for their own purposes. Have you ever thought about not having a choice on getting a piercing or a tattoo? That you absolutely had to get one? In many cultures around the world, it is ideal for people to get a tattoo or piercing because it shows some kind of meaning and respect. There are so many different cultures that use tattoos and piercings in their way of life that we can't just choose one! Our friends Princess Jasmine and Maui will help us get to know why their tattoos or piercings are so important to them in their cultures.
Let's Go to India!
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Princess Jasmine is from the Middle East of India and her culture and customs might be different from ours here in America. Princess Jasmine and so many people from her country have some kind of body piercing and it could be anywhere; the ears, nose, stomach and mouth! Princess Jasmine has both of her ears pierced (Figure 1) maybe just like you but once she decides to marry her prince Aladdin, she will soon have to get her nose pierced. In India, almost 6,000 years ago people started piercing their noses and nose rings were given to the bride from the groom as a gift on wedding days. When Aladdin marries Princess Jasmine he will give her the nose ring and this is important to Princess Jasmine and the people in her culture because it is a sign for protection in case they were ever to separate from each other. It is said that, the bigger the ring, the richer you look!
Sail the Oceans of Polynesia!
Figure 3 |
Maui ,the demigod is from Polynesia, which is a group of about 1,000 islands scattered across the central and southern Pacific Ocean. That is a lot of islands! Maui along with the people of Polynesia, Polynesians have many tattoos on their bodies that are very special to them. The Polynesians have been getting tattoos for over 2,000 years now and they used to get them based on what the Master gave them. The Master was someone, usually a man who was trained in knowing symbols, their meanings, and even how to read people! He would give people designs based on their jobs or what he saw them doing in the future, which is pretty cool. Maui has so many tattoos because he has earned and done so many amazing things. (Figure 3) Each of his tattoos tell a story!
Culture and You!
Thanks to our friends, we now know a little more about cultures that use tatoos and peircings. Ask your parents if they know any special things that your family does or used to do! It is so important to learn about other cultures and dig deeper into your own. When you get older and want to get your cool tattoo or peircing, think about what it truly means to you!
References (2012, December 1). Nose Peircing Indian Culture. Nose Peircing Indian Culture Biography. Retrieved from
Figure 1. Retrieved from
Figure 2. Retrieved from
Figure 3. Retrieved from (2015, May 12). Polynesia. Retrieved from (2003). Skin Stories: The Art and Culture of Polynesian Tattoo. Retrieved from
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